
Sophomore Crew.

The sophomore crew has had no regular coaching lately and they show the need of it badly. Last week Mr. Watson gave them some attention, but now that the freshmen have come out on the river he has no time for this. Kernan has done some coaching from a pair-oar and from the stern of the boat. The crew had been rowing until yesterday with full slides but they have now gone back to strapped seats. The time yesterday was very ragged.

The make-up of the crew seems to be about settled, the only place in doubt being bow, where Rantoul, Little and Gleason have taken turns during the last few days. An experiment was tried last week of putting Watson in as stroke, but yesterday Cornwell was back at his old place. Phelps of last year's crew and Williams who rowed last fall, have both begun work again after a long vacation on account of sickness. The usual order of the men with their weights is as follows:

Stroke, Cornwell, 153.

7, Wrightington, 162.

6, White, 170.


5, Kernan, 164.

4, Dunlop, 166.

3, Chatman, 166.

2, Watson, 155.

Bow, Rantoul, 154.

Average weight, 161.

Substitutes: Little, 144; Gleason, 148; Phelps, 168; Elder, 176; and Williams, 167.
