The first Harvard-Princeton Debate will be held this evening at Alexander Hall, Princeton, N. J. Harvard's speakers, C. A. Duniway Gr., W. E. Hutton '95, and F. Dobyns '98 left last night by the Fall River Line. R. C. Ringwalt '95 and H. A. Bull '95 of the Harvard Union went with them. The question for debate, as before announced, will be: "Resolved, That if it were possible, a reasonable property qualification for the exercise of the municipal franchise in the United States would be desirable." Princeton will have the affirmative, Harvard the negative. The principal speeches will be twelve minutes in length. Two speakers from each side will have six minutes each in rebuttal. The debate will be opened in the affirmative by W. H. Butler of Princeton. C. A. Duniway will speak first for Harvard. He will be followed by J.W. Park in the affirmative. W. E. Hutton will speak second for Harvard. Then will follow H. E. White for Princeton and F. Dobyns for Harvard. In rebuttal, J. W. Park, F. Dobyns, H. E. White, and C. A. Duniway will speak in the order named.
The three men who will represent Harvard have all had considerable experience in debating. C. A. Duniway Gr., entered Cornell in '88 from the University of Oregon and graduated with the class of '92. During his college course he was freshman orator, speaker of the Cornell Congress, and "'86 Memorial" speaker. In his senior year he was also editor-in-chief of the Cornell Era. Duniway entered the Harvard Graduate School in the fall of '93. He did little speaking during that college year until April, when he entered the trial debate to choose speakers for the debate with Yale and was chosen one of Harvard's three representatives. He has since been president of the Harvard Union and has represented that club in debates with Trinity Club and the Wendell Phillips Club.
W. E. Hutton '95, prepared for Harvard in the high school at his home in Denver, Colorado. At school he was a prominent speaker and was president of the debating society. Since entering college he has represented Harvard in a debate with Yale. He is a member of the Wendell Phillips Club and was one of the speakers in the debate between that society and the Harvard Union. He has also had training in debate in English VI.
Fletcher Dabyns '98, received his school education at Oberlin Preparatory School, Oberlin, Ohio. He there took a prominent part in the debating clubs and was at one time president of the Cadmaean Debating Society. After leaving Oberlin he was engaged in political work for more than a year. During this time he spoke constantly and travelled over all the central and eastern states. He entered Harvard in '93 as a special student. During that year he did no speaking. Last fall he spoke in the trial debate to decide Harvard's speakers in the annual Yale debate and was chosen alternate. He is a member of none of the debating societies.
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