
Yale Letter.

NEW HAVEN, March 23.

The news from Harvard has been received with unusual interest at Yale during the past week. Deep regret is felt here at the radical action of the Harvard Faculty in reference to football - not only because of its probable prevention of the annual Springfield game, but because college athletics in general is injured by the official credence given by a university of Harvard's prominence to the misrepresentations and unjust attacks of the opponents of football during the past season. The attitude of the Yale Faculty will undoubtedly continue to be one of non-interference - a policy bred of confidence in undergraduate sentiment to institute all necessary reforms in the game.

The Harvard Advocate editorial, criticizing Harvard's social life, has been read with great interest here. The Yale Alumni Weekly expresses the prevailing opinion of the article as follows: "We do not accept this estimate of Harvard by the very frank Advocate. It seems to us to be one of those cases where a disagreeable duty has been overdone."

The annual winter meeting of the Yale Athletic Association occurred Friday evening. The most interesting event was the shot-put of 46 feet by W. O. Hickok '95 S. His former record was 42 ft. 9 in., but the shot then used was heavier by about five ounces.

The baseball team will go to the training table next Thursday. Carter and Trudeau will alternate in the pitcher's box again this season. Greenway will catch again, and de Forest '97 and Twombly '96 will probably be taken along on the Easter trip. Capt. Rustin will probably play at centre field, with Keator at right and Speer at left field. Quinby for short stop, Redington for second, Stephenson for first, are probably sureties, while third base will go either to Fincke '97 or McCandless '96 S. The team played its first practice game Friday.

The schedule of games provides an excellent program for the Yale team. The Easter trip does not include a game at Annapolis.


Capt. Thorne has issued a call for candidates for the position of centre. They will be coached and practiced with the quarterbacks at the cage.

The awakening in letters and oratory has been greatly stimulated by the founding of the chair in rhetoric, also by the receipt of the sum of $70,000 bequeathed by the late Judge Billings for the establishment of a fund to endow a professorship in English literature. As the CRIMSON editorially remarked last week, both the Faculty and students are united in their efforts to free Yale from the possible reproach of neglecting an important branch of college education.

The Yale News has received further letters on "Yale's Greatest Need." Additional endowment funds and a reorganization of the corporation seem to be universally regarded among Yale's graduates as the crying need.

