
Special Notice.

MANAGER RICH'S TESTIMONIAL. - The annual testimonial tendered assistant-manager Charles J. Rich of the Hollis Street Theatre will occur at that house, Sunday evening, March 17, and already a large demand for seats has been experienced. It is the custom every year for Mr. Rich's numerous friends to arrange this testimonial, and every season it has proved itself to be one of the most delightful occasions of the entire theatrical season. As soon as the date is selected and announced offers of services begin to arrive from all sections of the country, and although it is impossible to utilize them all, the kindly spirit in which they are made is fully appreciated and a programmne is made up that it would be impossible to duplicate under ordinary circumstances. So well grounded is the belief that the testimonial is of the highest possible order that many people do not wait to know what the programme is, but, remembering its excellence in the past, hasten to secure their seats at the earliest possible moment. Such has been the case this year, and already a most successful outcome of the testimonial is assured.

BOARD. - A few seats at a general table. Also a room for club table. A fine suite of rooms, and single rooms, to let with board, transiently or permanently, to a family or students. Apply at 18 Sumner street.

27 3tDANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Address, corner of Main and Inman streets. Private lessons.
