The members of the Graduate Club and their invited guests were addressed by Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott last night at the Colonial Club. Dr. Abbott's address was on "The Theology of Evolution," and was of the most absorbing interest. Dr. Abbott answered many questions which were asked during his address and after it was over he was the centre of an informal discussion in which a large number of those present took part.
At a business meeting of the Graduate Club held afterwards, the conference of graduate students which is to be held in New York April 16, was discussed. The Harvard club has had the initiative in the movement and out of nineteen institutions which have been asked to send delegates, fourteen have already signified their acceptance. By the invitation of the Columbia 'Graduate Club, the conference will be held at Columbia College.
One of the principal objects of the conference is the compilation of an annual handbook in which the graduate courses of the several universities may be brought together in a form suitable for ready reference. Closely allied with this object is that of effecting a system of inter-migration between the universities, like that in vogue in Germany.
Other subjects which will be discussed at the conference will be the maintaining of a high standard of requirements for the degree of Ph.D., the granting of degrees in absentia, and possible annual conventions of graduate clubs.
F. C. Babbitt and C. A. Duniway will be the delegates from Harvard to the conference.
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