SMART business young man wanted to work evenings and other spare time. Will be well remunerated. Apply in person to Mr. Hackett, 177 Devonshire street.
2YSAYE'S FAREWELL. - Probably no musician except Paderewski has visited our country of late years who has been more successful in every sense of the word than M. Ysaye, the eminent violinist now about to return to his come in Belgium. Boston particularly has shown its appreciation of the great artist at the five concerts already given and no doubt it should exist as to the size of the audience or warmth of the reception that awaits M. Ysaye at his farewell appearance, Friday evening, March 15, at Music Hall. The programme for this concert will be the most interesting one he has yet given here, and he will have the assistance of a carefully selected orchestra under the direction of Mr. Emil Mollenhrur, also M. Lachaume, the favorite pianist, and Miss Elizabeth C. Hamlin, one of Boston's best known sopranos. Popular prices will be charged and seats can now be obtained at the box office.
THIS is the second and last week of Pauline Hall's engagement in "Dorcas" at the Boston Museum. The original music by the eminent composer Max Hirschfeld, who personally conducts the orchestra, is sure to be appreciated. Miss Hall in her triple role of peddler, "mine host's wife," and Lady Honoria, never fails to elicit applause. Mr. C. B. Bradshaw as Lubin Mugby makes a most successful country bumpkin. The rest of the cast are well suited to the demands of the play.
A NEW book, "Uncle Sam's Church," has just appeared which bids fair to have a national success, The author, John Bell Bouton, considers the impossibility of a State religion, and advocates a National Patriotic Cult to take its place. To secure this new patriotism the people must have every day patriotic inspirations. The placing of the Federal Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in every post office, the free distribution by Congress of tracts on the lives of Washington (including his Farewell Address), Adams, Madison and Monroe, is but one of the methods to further this cult. The facilities which congress has for doing this work well and at the same time cheaply are thoroughly explained by the author. The plan is not only possible but can not help appealing to every true American. Lamson, Wolffe & Co., Publishers, Boston.
DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Address, corner of Main and Inman streets. Private lessons.
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Resolutions of the Faculty about Summer Schools.