The sixteenth annual games of the M. I. T. Athletic Club were held in the Technology Gymnasium Saturday evening. The events were very close and exciting. Out of 13 heats in the 35 yards dash, 9 were won by Harvard men.
The 35 yards dash was won by I. S. Clark, N. A. A., with F. H. Bigelow, H. A. A., second and A. L. Jackson, H. A. A., third; time 4 1/5 sec. The 40 yards hurdle was won by A. C. Coonley, M. I. T., R. A. Ferguson, E. H. S. A. A., second, and J. L. Bremer, H. A. A., third; time 4 4/5 sec. The 16 pound shot was won by J. F. Driscoll, L. A. C., C. J. Paine, H. A. A., second, and K. K. Kubli, H. A. A., third; distance 36 ft. 4 1/2 in. The running high jump was won by C. J. Paine, H. A. A., P. C. Stingel, B. A. A., second, and W. E. Putnam, H. A. A., third; height 5 ft. 11 in. Three standing jumps were won by E. A. Boeseke, M. I. T., K. K. Kubli, H. A. A., second, and B. Doherty, S. B. A. C., third; distance 32 ft. 8 1/8 in. The potato race was run by J. J. Crowley, St. M. A. C., I. S. Clark, N. A. A., second, and E. H. Clark, H. A. A., third; time 32 1/5 sec. (world's record). The pole vault was won by W. W. Hoyt, H. A. A., N. P. Hallowell, H. A. A., second, A. B. Emmons, H. A. A., third; height 10 ft., 3 in.
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