TUTORING in Government 1, History 1, 10, 11, and 12, Fine Arts 4, Greek 10, Semitic 12 and Philosophy 5.
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2 Manter Hall.GENTLEMEN who have taken advantage of the special reduction offered by D. Toy during the past few weeks are well pleased. This reduction will continue until the last day in February, and includes heavy and light weight suitings, trouserings, and overcoatings.
THE HARVARD INDEX for 1894-95 has been reduced in price from 75 cents to 50 cents. For sale at Thurston's, Amee's and the Cooperative.
DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 9. Address, corner of Main and Inman streets. Private lessons.
1 tfON Monday evening, February 11, Mr. Nat C. Goodwin will present at the Hollis Street Theatre, his latest and greatest success, "David Garrick," by T. W. Robertson. The story is well told, and the work of Goodwin is delightful. His dry, sarcastic remarks on the father's reflections upon players in the first act; his meeting with Ada at her father's house, his simulation of intoxication, his forgetfulness for the moment when she appeals to the better nature, thrills even his stupid hearers with the genius of his art, and his heart-breaking demand upon the father to aid him in getting away lest his strength should prove unequal to his promise, must be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Goodwin has been well known for his ability to cause people to laugh, in fact, his name is a simile for a smile, but in this pathetic little sketch he has made many eyes bright with moisture. Following "Garrick." Mr. Goodwin will appear as Golightly in Madison Morton's one-act comedy, "Lend Me Five Shillings." At the Saturday matinee Mr. Goodwin will present "A Gilded Fool," by Henry Guy Carleton.
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