During the next half year the students will be offered many opportunities of hearing good lecturers on a variety of subjects. Among the lecturers who will probably be here are some well-known men. Besides the preachers at the Sunday evening services at Appleton Chapel and the lecturers who will come at the invitation of the University, various clubs of the University will arrange to have able men give lectures at their public meetings.
Among the preachers who will be heard at Appleton Chapel, are Professor Briggs, of Union Seminary, New York, who comes next Sunday; Dr. Moxom of Springfield, Dr. Lyman Abbott of Brooklyn, Bishop Doane of Albany, Bishop Vincent of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Professor Peabody, Dr. Donald of Trinity Church, Boston, and Rev. Mr. Crothers of Cambridge.
Father Huntington, the founder of the Order of the Holy Cross, and a man well known for his work among the poor, will deliver an address under the auspices of the St. Paul's Society, April 29. Probably Bishop Hall of Vermont will lecture some time in March. At the Sunday afternoon meetings, conducted by the society at Christ Church, Bishop Lawrence, Bishop Coleman, and probably Dr. Rainsford, will be heard. The Harvard Religious Union will have a lecture by Professor Josiah Royce, March 4. It is expected that Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson will lecture before this society at a later date.
The Harvard Engineering Society will have lectures by Mr. Clemence Herschel of New York, Professor Crocker of Columbia College, and Col. Prout of the Railroad Gazette. The next meeting of the Republican Club will be addressed by Mr. Goff. Recorder of the City of New York. It is hoped that Senator Hoar and Senator Thurston, the newly elected senator from Nebraska, will consent to address subsequent meetings. The Civil Service Reform Club will have two public addresses. The first one February 25, will be by Mr. Potts, who has been prominent in the reform movement in New York State.
Among the probable lecturers at the public meetings of the Graduate Club are Dr. Lyman Abbott and Col. Higginson. The Prohibition Club has asked Mr. J. S. Wooley of Minneapolis to lecture at an early date. The Natural History Society will have five lectures by prominent Harvard professors; the Christian Association will have three public addresses; and many other organizations will make efforts to induce able lecturers to address their meetings.
Among the lectures already announced are Professor Norton's six lectures on Dante, Mr. Copeland's lectures on English Literature, and the four lectures on "English Art of the Eighteenth Century," to be delivered this month by Mr. Humphry Ward of London, England.
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