
Special Notice.

TUTORING in Government 1, History 1, 10, 11, and 12, Fine Arts 4, Greek 10, Semitic 12 and Philosophy 5.


2 Manter Hall.TUTORING in Greek, Latin and German, also for the entrance examinations. Address,

J. M. PATON, PH.D,89 12t*

2 Riedesel Avenue.GENTLEMEN who have taken advantage of the special reduction offered by D. Toy during the past few weeks are well pleased. This reduction will continue until the last day in February, and includes heavy and light weight suitings, trouserings, and overcoatings.


THE HARVARD INDEX for 1894-95 has been reduced in price from 75 cents to 50 cents. For sale at Thurston's, Amee's and the Cooperative.

After a series of brilliant engagements in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington and Brooklyn, DeWolf Hopper and his excellent company, will begin his annual Boston engagement at the Tremont next week, presenting, for the first time in this city, the funniest of all comic operas - "Dr. Syntax." DeWolf Hopper will essay the role of a good-natured, up-to-date pedagogue. The locale of this, the latest and greatest of the comedian's light comic operatic successes, is laid in a charming country village in New England. The jovial "Dr. Syntax" esteems it his duty to make everybody happy, and, luckily for his protegees, his opportunities to carry out this benevolent plan are many, for the young lady pupils of Minerva Academy - in which he is an instructor - are all in love with the young men in a neighboring college, and the principal of the seminary - an elderly maiden named Zenobia Tropics - very naturally does not approve of moonlight strolls and the customary flirtations usually indulged in by boarding-school misses.

Mr. Hopper's supporting company this season is an unusually strong one and contains many excellent artists, among whom are Edna Wallace Hopper, the comedian's young wife; Bertha Waltzinger, until recently the leading primadonna soprano of the Bostonians; and Alfred Klein.

CLUBS can be accommodated, also seats at general table, at


1200 Mass. Ave., Opp. Beck Hall.
