
The Yale Letter.

What the Teams are Doing. - Comment on President Eliot.

NEW HAVEN, Feb. 3.

A great deal of dissatisfaction is felt here among boarders at the University Dining Hall, with many features of the present system of managing that institution. A petition is being circulated among its patrons asking that the complete management be entrusted, after the manner of the system in vogue at Harvard, to a committee composed of members of the Faculty and of students boarding at the "Commons." This plan has met with approval and as the petition is practically unanimous, it is thought that the Faculty can hardly fail to act on the suggestions embodied in it.

The plan of inaugurating class day exercises in the Sheffield Scientific School is now practically certain of being put into operation. Class days have never been formally celebrated here in the Scientific department, although in the college proper they have always formed one of the pleasantest memories of the course. It is expected that the exercises in the Scientific School will closely resemble those now observed in the academic department.

During the week the University crew candidates in the first boat have been rowing as follows: Wheelwright '97 or Miller '97, bow; Holcomb '95 S., 2; Beard '96, 3; Longacre '94, 4; Dater '95 S., 5; Cross '96, 6; Treadway '96, 7; Simpson '97, stroke. For the time being the most important question is where to find a suitable man to stroke the crew. Simpson, captain and stroke of last year's freshman crew, is at present the most promising man in sight and a great deal of attention is being paid to him by the coaches. Judd '97 is another man who is being tried at this position.

Training for the track athletic team began in earnest only last Wednesday, although the candidates were called out on Monday. Nearly all of the members of last year's team who are still in college presented themselves and were set to work coaching the new men. For the present the men will be put through light work in the gymnasium every afternoon and will then be divided into separate squads for out door runs and work inside, according to the event for which they are practicing. Of last year's team, Yale will lose Eaton, Lyman and Hart in the hurdles, Allison and Bunnell, in the mile-walk, Rice in the pole-vault, Sanford in the quarter-mile, Glenny in the bicycle and Wheeler in the half-mile. It is expected that Yale will be stronger in the 100 and 220 yard events, but the loss of Bunnell in the mile walk and Glenny in the bicycle race, will be hard to make good.


Captain Rustin will call out the new candidates for the baseball team between February 20 and 25. The members of last year's team will do very little preliminary work, but will start in about March 1. No professional coach will be secured this season. The southern trip will begin April 10 and will last as usual for one week. The members of last year's nine, including substitutes, who are still in college, are: Carter, Greenway, Stephenson, Murphy, Rustin, Redington, Speer, Trudeau, Quinby and Keator.

At a meeting of the Yale Gymnastic Association, held last Monday, it was decided to confer a "Y" on the "college gymnast." Through the winter contests are held in eight different gymnastic events and the man who wins the greatest number of points becomes the "college gymnast" for the year. Much interest is being manifested in the coming gymnastic exhibition at the Yale gymnasium on February 27 Daily practice is being held on the main floor of the gymnasium, about thirty men being in training for the contest.

The Faculty have not yet decided as to what penalty will be imposed upon the freshman classes in view of their conduct at the recent Promenade Concert. It is not thought, however, that they will go so far as to deprive the classes of any athletic privileges, the general impression being that a denial of the privilege of holding a sophomore german in 1896 will be the only penalty which the classes will be made to suffer.

The sentiments of President Eliot in regard to athletics do not enlist any sympathy from the members of this University, so far as the opinions expressed can be learned. It is thought that the President has treated his subject, particularly that part on football, from a prejudicial standpoint, and that his information comes from the sensational accounts of the games seen in some papers.

