
The Inter-club Debate.

The speakers for the debate between the Harvard Union and the Wendell Phillips Club are, for the Harvard Union: H. A. Bull '95, J. P. Hall L. S., principal disputants; C. A. Duniway Gr., R. C. Ringwalt '95, T. L. Ross L. S., E. H. Warren '95 and J. P. Warren '96, five-minute speakers. For the Wendell Phillips Club: F. D. Pollak '96, W. S. Young-man '95, principal disputants; A. S. Apsey L. S., W. R. Buckminster L. S. W. E. Hutton '95, F. R. Steward '96 and A. P. Stone L. S., five-minute speakers.

The first speaker on each side will have eight minutes in which to open and seven minutes for rebuttal in closing. The second speaker on each side will have ten minutes. All the others will have five minutes each. The question, as before published, will be: "Resolved, That the present method of electing United States senators is preferable to election by popular vote." The Harvard Union will have the affirmative, the Wendell Phillips Club the negative.

H. C. Lakin '94, will preside. The judges will be: W. A. Bancroft '77, E. L. Conant '84, and G. P. Baker '86.
