

E. Carlton Sprague '43.

The Hon. Eben Carlton Sprague died at his home in Buffalo, Thursday, February 14, after an illness of only twelve hours. He was born November 26, 1822, entered Phillips Exeter Academy in 1837 and Harvard College in 1839. He graduated in 1843, returned to Buffalo and began the study of law in the office of Millard Fillmore. In 1852 he was appointed attorney for the Great Western Railway Company of Canada and since then his time has been devoted largely to the service of this and other corporations.

His leisure moments were devoted to literary pursuits and many of his writings have been published. At the time of his death he was president of the Liberal Club and of the Harvard Club of Western New York and Chancellor of the University of Buffalo, and he had held many other offices. He stood at the head of the legal profession in Buffalo and the flags on the City Hall were displayed at half mast and all the courts were adjourned when the news of his death became known.

He was always an active supporter of worthy charities, giving most liberally of his money, his time and his personal attention. He was gentle and kind, with a human interest in his fellow creatures, which inspired a genuine love and esteem in all who knew him.
