
Class Day Notices.

The Class Day Committee have issued the following notices:

The Class Day Committee, after careful consideration, have appointed Cotrell & Leonard of Albany, N. Y., makers of the caps and gowns. Their agents in Cambridge will be the Harvard Cooperative Society, at whose store measurements of each man will be taken and goods delivered. Every man must be measured before April 1 in order that the gowns may be ready in time.

Students who intend to borrow caps and gowns from some graduate will please notify the committee at once so that they may know how many measurements are to be expected. The price will be $6.50, payable on delivery. A sample cap and gown may be seen at the Harvard Cooperative Society store.

The purpose of the cap and gown will be defeated unless absolute uniformity is secured. For this reason the committee request that all gowns be purchased of the firm named above.

P. W. WHITTEMORE,H. F. HARTWELL,A. F. STEVENSON, JR.,Class Day Committee.DESIGNS FOR TICKETS.Designs for Yard. Tree and Memorial tickets for Class Day must be submitted by April 1. All men who can draw are urged to compete.


BACCALAUREATE HYMN.All members of the class are urged to compose a hymn to be sung to some familiar tune, preferably Fair Harvard, at the Baccalaureate Services, June 16. Contributions must be handed to me on or before Saturday, June 1,

P. W. WHITTEMORE,Chairman Class Day Committee.
