

Forty-five Men Respond to Captain Whittemore's Call.

Forty-five men responded to Captain Whittemore's call for baseball candidates last evening. All of last year's men now in college will try for the team again and many of the men who played on their class teams. In addition to these there is a large number of new men all of whom have had experience on school and other college nines. Captain Whittemore addressed the men briefly. He said for the present the training would not be strict but each man ought to be careful of his health and avoid excesses of any kind. All candidates will meet every afternoon at the Carey Building at four o'clock. The exercise will consist of light dumbbell drill, sliding to base and batting, to be followed by a short run.

All the men who played on last year's nine can have lockers in the Carey Building by applying for them, and as soon as any of the new men attain proficiency enough they also will be provided with them.

The battery candidates have been at work since the Christmas recess and the full list of candidates now trying for the nine is as follows:

Pitchers - E. W. Ames '96, E. K. Bowser '96, G. F. Cozzens '98, G. H. Hamilton '96, H. T. Holt '98, A. T. Harris '97, L. W. Jenny L. S., D. J. Perry '97, W. H. Rand '98, W. H. Reed '95, C. J. Paine '97, F. L. Woodward '96, J. P. Whittren '95, A. N. Highlands '95.

Catchers - R. W. Brown '98, G. W. Burrage '98, G. Buckman '97, C. E. Bacon '95, W. W. Gile '97, H. C. Ring '98, H. R. Scott '97, D. Scannell '97.


First base - J. J. Hayes, Jr., '96, W. W. Hoyt '98, C. C. Paine L. S., E. M. Lacey L. S., W. H. Gray '98, F. W. Griffin '96, A. B. Holmes '96, E. D. Armstrong '96.

Second base - G. L. Wrenn, Jr., '96, P. E. Brown L. S. S., E. Stevens '97, J. Dean '97, H. J. Foster '98.

Third base - A. N. Winslow '96, F. S. Hoppin, Jr., '96, H. J. Holt '98, H. Anderson '97, F. T. Lord '97.

Short-stop - G. E. Brown L. S., C. F. Prescott '97, G. A. McRoberts '96, G. B. Haskell '98, P. V. Bacon '98, T. Field '97, J. R. McVey '98, C. S. Dow '97, F. B. Whittemore '96.

General outfield - H. Dibblee '96, O. C. Moseley L. S., J. T. Hewes '97, C. A. Martin '97, H. A. L. Sand '95, J. M. Abbott '98, G. A. Scott '96, F. M. Weld '97, A. Codman '96, L. B. Murdock '96, W. L. Garrison, Jr., '97, A. M. Beale '97, S. P. Freeling '96, E. E. McCarthy L. S. S., E. G. Burgess, Jr., L. S. S., G. B. Abbott '97, C. B. Manning L. S. S., E. Norton '96.
