With reference to the editorial written by a Yale man in the Hartford Post a few days ago, severely criticising the Hartford Yale alumni for their glorification of Hinkey at their recent dinner, another Yale man writes as follows:
To the Editor of the Hartford Post:
SIR: Allow me to thank you for your manly editorial in the Post on Saturday. No one likes to find fault with the alumni association of his college, but to turn a social gathering into an endorsement of an athlete without the slightest pretence of investigating the charges against him for the last three years, which, whether they have any foundation or not, are made by so many disinterested persons that they can not be met by a general denial, however vociferous, is, to say the least, a perversion of the object of a college dinner. You deserve the thanks of all Yale men whose motto for an athletic contest is not "go in and win," but "go in and play a square game whether you win or not," and you certainly have mine.
I think you will find that a majority of Yale men will agree with you, although they may keep quiet and do a good deal of thinking.
Yours sincerely,YALE '5.HARTFORD, February 12.
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