
Speical Notice.

MRS. WM. C. WHITE, of Springfield, has opened up the house No. 10 Appian Way and is ready to receive club tables or a general table, or training tables. Can be seen on the premises after Feb. 17. The best of references can be given.

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NAT C. GOODWIN will signalize the second week of his engagement in this city by a revival of a comedy written for him by Henry Guy Carleton, entitled "A Gilded Fool." The play has already made a great success here and when presented at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York, had a run of four weeks. In "A Gilded Fool" Mr. Goodwin plays a part that is particularly adapted to his abilities as an actor, which are by no means restricted to humorous or farcical work. As Chauncy Short in "A Gilded Fool" he is called on to act in scenes of pathos, and he shines as brightly in this field as in the realms of comedy. The play has a story with a motive, which can not be said of many so-called comedies. It abounds in dramatic interest. The dialogue is bright and crisp, full of sparkling lines, and the situations and stage business are novel and effective. The entire company is fitted with good parts and all do thorough justice to them. "A Gilded Fool" will be given at every performance of the week beginning February 18, including the special matinee of Friday, Washington's Birthday, February 22.
