Dr. Moxom conducted the Vesper Service in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon, and took for the subject of his remarks, "Faith in God."
One could hardly study Christ's life, he said, without being impressed with the importance which he placed in belief in God. What was meant by faith in God? Dr. Martineau said that it was hard for a man to avoid belief in God honestly, but that it was also hard to hold faith worthily. The sense of God was the greatest power of which man is possessed; faith was the appropriation and possession of God.
Faith was a very simple thing, yet like life, though simple was very complex. We should distinguish between faith and its outward aspects as well as between the different kinds of faith. There was the faith that could see God in Hebrew history but could not see Him in American history. Then there was the anticipatory faith which also lacked connection with the life of the present. Such faith which removed God from the duties, the struggles, the passions of every day was sure to breed unbelief.
Real faith was a basal sense of God as imminent, ever-present, conscious, filling the world with life; enveloping, loving, educating and redeeming his children, Faith was self-commitment to him for life and guidance.
When Jesus said, "Believe in me," he meant that men should believe in God through him, that they should open mind and heart to Him and yield themselves to the sway of His holy will. Here was guidance, strength and inspiration.
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