
Women's College at Brown.

A committee of prominent Providence women, with Miss Sarah E. Doyle as chairman, has undertaken to raise $75,-000 to be used in erecting a building for the Women's College of Brown University.

The lack of room in the present building and the consequent inability to conduct the Annex to the best advantage have long been well known by its friends. Now the prospect seems brighter for a commodious college establishment.

A circular has been issued entitled, "An Appeal to the Friends of Higher Education of Women." The circular says: "This (the proposed) system of co-education embraces substantially all the advantages of co-education without any of its disadvantages. It also places Brown University, as a provider of higher education for women, in advance of all the other old American colleges. Thus Yale provides instruction only for graduate women. Radcliffe College instructs undergraduates, but its courses do not lead to Harvard degrees.

"Indeed, an additional argument for our movement is the fact that facilities at present existing in New England for the collegiate education of women are insufficient. With the outfit asked for, Brown University will offer women better educational opportunities than are now open to them anywhere in New England, and may expect many women students from neighboring states."
