GLEE CLUB. - There will be a trial of candidates for the Glee Club at 7 o'clock this evening and tomorrow evening in Lower Dane. Each candidate is expected to bring a solo.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - Meeting in 17 Grays on Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 6.45 p. m. The Rev. Wm. B. Frisby of the Church of the Advent will deliver a lecture on "The English Reformation."
H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.HARVARD ADVOCATE. - There will be an important business meeting of the board of editors Wednesday evening, Feb. 13, in 18 Holyoke House. All editors must be present.
J. A. GADE, Sec.HARVARD ADVOCATE. - There will be a meeting of the Literary Committee in 18 Holyoke House today at 5 p. m.
J. A. GADE, Sec.HARVARD ASSOCIATION OF BETA THETA PI. - All Betas now in the University are requested to send their names to W. E. Castle, Secretary, 5 College House.
'VARSITY BANJO CLUB. - The last trial of candidates for the 'Varsity Banjo Club will be held this evening at 7 o'clock in 22 Little's Block. All members of the University who have ever played the banjo or guitar are requested to try.
WENDELL PHILLIPS CLUB. - Semi-annual election of officers Wednesday, Feb. 13, in University 16 at 7.30.
MUSICAL CLUBS. - Christmas Trip. Will all who have claims for rebates from the B. & O. R. R. kindly send statement of same to
SAMUEL P. WHITE,20 Thayer Hall.
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Columbia School of Political Science.