
Special Notice.

CALENDARS FOR 1896.- Size 11x14 in., envelope to fit. Beautiful picture of the Harvard Football Team, large engraved calendar pad. Very neat. Price 25 cts. For sale at Leavitt and Peirce's, Thurston's, Amee Bros.'s, and the Cooperative.

FOUND.- In Sanders Theatre after the Apollo Club concert, a gold pin. Owner may have the same by calling at the CRIMSON office and identifying the pin.

A USEFUL little book which should be in the hands of the members of every intelligent household is "The Human Foot and the Art of Shoeing," by Dr. Samuel Appleton, author of "The Hygiene of the Foot." It contains a vast amount of practical common sense compressed into a comparatively brief space, and the advice it gives, in the clearest and most coherent manner, is invaluable. The explanation of the structure of the foot, with accompanying cuts, must convince any unprejudiced person that the present method of making shoes is, in a great majority of cases, foolish, injurious and destructive of natural beauty. Shoes made on a scientific basis after Dr. Appleton's method have received the endorsement of our best people in literary, professional and social circles. Every one should obtain a copy of his little work, and learn, therefrom, the art of preserving the symmetry of the feet in accordance with the best models, ancient and modern. It has been revised and reissued recently by Dr. Appleton, and it may be obtained of him at 48 Winter street. 56 3t*

LOST.- An essay on Henry James. Please return to Miss E. W. Taylor 349 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass.

THE University Railway Advertising company has placed a case of railroad time tables in the CRIMSON office for the convenience of students. Any student desiring a time table of any railroad may get one at the CRIMSON office.


LOST.- Diamond shaped white enameled clasp pin, bearing monogram V. O. L. in gold letters. Kindly return to 17 Matthews. 60 3t

Mr. Tupper, manager of Pach's studio, has taken several very successful pictures of the Harvard team, while playing with Pennsylvania. Orders may be left at the studio.

The Crawford Shoe at $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00 is a leader and will be kept at the front. Try it and you will wear no other.

TUTORING IN FRENCH-Lessons given by a native Frenchman who has a very good knowledge of English, either at his residence, 1,504 Washington street, Boston, or at the students' rooms. References from Professor F. C. de Sumichrast.


TUTORING.- F. L. Meredith B. S., High School experience. Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra, all the sciences, including full work in Chemistry and Physics. Call or address, 8 Ellery street. tf

DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follows: Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman St. Private lessons by appointment.

Wide awake men are fast getting on to the fact that a Crawford Shoe at $6, $5 or even $4, is fully as good as a $10 or $12 custom made shoe.

WANTED.- One or two men who are willing to help in evening educational work. Leave address with educational director, Cambridge Social Union.

THURSDAY, the new weekly of special interest to college men, is offering $2000 for stories from students. Copies at CRIMSON office. 55 3t*
