
Student Volunteer Work.

The clothing collected under the auspices of the Student Volunteer Committee last week consists, in all, of about 700 pieces. It will be divided among the following charitable institutions: Cambride Associate Charities, 30 per cent; Boston Provident Society, 20 per cent; Boston Industrial Temporary Home, 10 per cent; Ruggles Street Baptist Church, 10 per cent; Roxbury Charitable Society, 20 per cent; Berkeley Temple and South End House, each 5 per cent. This clothing is collected by the students interested in the work and its distribution among the charitable institutions is left to the discretion of Mr. C. W. Birtwell, the society's director. Mr. Birtwell's position as professional director of charities keeps him in touch with all the deserving institutions and enables him to distribute the clothing where it is most needed. Such commendable work deserves the hearty cooperation of the students and all who can should contribute clothing to the next collection, which will be made in the spring.
