
Lecture on "Moral Education in France."

Tomorrow evening an address will be given under the auspices of the Harvard Pedagogical Club by Mons. Maurice de Mauny-Talvande. His subject is "Moral Education in France." The lecturer is a Frenchman of noble family, thoroughly familiar with, and deeply interested in, his subject.

M. de Mauny-Talvande has little sympathy with the present system of education in France, inasmuch as it removes religion entirely from the schools. As a result of the withdrawal of religious instruction from the schools, he says, crime has increased in the ratio of 12:23.

He does not look for a restoration of this instruction in the schools for some time to come, however, and would supply the deficiency by more personal contact between the landed families of high standing and the peasants who live around them. In this way, M. de Mauny-Talvande thinks, a knowledge of moral principles for their own sake would be instilled into the minds of the peasants.

The lecture is one of a series given with great success last winter in Boston, New York and Chicago. It will be delivered in Harvard 1 at 7.30 p. m. The public is invited.
