
The Vesper Service.

Yesterday afternoon the Rev. P. S. Moxom of Springfield conducted the Vesper Service, taking as his texts part of the fourth chapter of St. Luke and of the sixth chapter of St. Mark, both telling of the return of Jesus to his home, Nazareth. He spoke in part as follows:

It is very interesting to divine the feelings of Jesus on his return to his old home after his long absence, to imagine his thoughts and emotions as he confronted the old familiar places. I wish to point out in a few words how he was received by his own people. St. Luke tells us that at first they were charmed and touched, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, "Is not this Joseph's son?" But when he began to disclose his message to them, their prejudices were aroused. They looked on him with distrust and aversion.

What must have been his emotions? He came to bring them the Gospel and they thrust him out. Yet this is only typical of his general treatment. We find nothing but wonder and sorrow that they should so misjudge him. There is no trace of resentment, though re-

(Continued on fourth page.)


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