

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.45. All men who are to sing in the Fall Concert must attend.

H. C. TAYLOR.MERMAID CLUB.- Meeting this evening in 35 Hastings at 8 sharp. Reading: Ben Jonson's "Volpone." Discussion: Tendencies of the Drama of the Elizabethan Period down through Marlowe. Open to Eng. 14 and the Shakespeare Club.

NEW ENGLAND REPUBLICAN COLLEGE LEAGUE.- Meeting of the executive committee in 22 Hilton at 4 p. m. today.

MAINE CLUB.- The annual dinner of the Maine Club will be held at the Parker House, Wednesday, December 18, at 7 p. m. All members desirous to attend should send their names immediately to

C. S. WILSON, 44 Hastings Hall.ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- There will be a meeting of the Electrical Section Friday, December 13, at 7.45, at 11 Ware street.


PAUL DAY, Chairman.FENCING CLUB.- On Monday, December 16, there will be a smoker and open handicap fencing competition for those members not on the team. Entries close with the secretary at 5 p. m., Monday.

A. F. RIGGS, Sec.'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal today, banjeaurines at 4.15, guitars and banjos at 5 o'clock sharp.

J. M. LITTLE, JR.SAMOSET CLUB.- Important meeting in 3 Thayer at 1.30 Friday, December 13. Election. All come.

A. C. TRAIN.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Trial of candidates Friday, Dec. 13, at 7 o'clock, at 1208 Mass. avenue. All freshmen who play the banjo or guitar are urged to try.

