Step into a Crawford Shoe Store and examine the make and quality of a Crawford Shoe at $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00.
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Special Notice.ANOTHER Club table can be accommodated; very near the Yard. References required and given. Address "A. B.," CRIMSON. 25 3t
Special Notice.THE high estimation in which the Castle Square productions of opera are held may be judged by the following brief
Special Notice.FOR RENT.- Very desirable furnished suite; study and bedroom; steam heat and gas. $80 for balance of year. Peabody Club,
Special Notice.LOST.- A badge bearing in monogram the Greek letters Chi Phi, set with rubies, sapphires and diamonds and bearing owner's
Special Notice.First-class in every respect-The Crawford Shoe, though sold at $6.00, $5.00 and even $4.00, has style, comfort and good looks