

FRENCH PLAY BALLET.- Watch the CRIMSON window this morning for notice of rehearsal.

MERMAID CLUB.- The next regular fortnightly open meeting will be held in 35 Hastings on Friday next, December 13, at 8 o'clock. Reading will be Ben Jonson's "Volpone," which will be followed by a discussion on the tendencies of the drama of the period so far.

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, there will be held the first of the closed meetings of the club, open only to club members. The programme for this meeting will be announced later.

THERE will be an informal meeting of the New England Chi Psi on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1895, at 4.30 in room No. 6, Parker House. All Chi Psi's in Cambridge are requested to be present as it is very important.

LUCRETIUS H. ROSS, 209 West Canton street, Boston.SHOOTING CLUB.- The follwoing men call at Leavitt and Peirce's for their shingles: Hardy, Hess, Barnes, De Laittre, Poland, McBurney, Litchfield, Banroft, Fordyce, Cutting, Donaldson, and Lunt.


FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- There will be no rehearsal this week.

H. S. DENNISON.67 2t

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Short rehearsal tonight at 6 o'clock instead of 5. Every man who wants to go to Lowell must attend.

H. C. TAYLOR.ALL men wishing to present articles for consideration for the January number of the Harvard Monthly will confer a favor by leaving their manuscripts with the secretary on or before December 18.

H. A. PHILLIPS, 28 Holyoke street.64 3t
