It is a good, though in this case an unfortunate illustration of how large and diverse the life is which makes up the university world today, that two events of such great interest as the presentation of Moliere's comedy and the beginning of Moliere's comedy and the beginning of an important course of public lectures should both take place on the same evening. Conflicts of this kind are bound to occur once or twice a year, after even the most careful selection of dates. There will without doubt be a large audience at each place tonight, but many will regret that whether by will or by circumstances they have been rorced to make a choice between the two.
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AMUSEMENTS.Recommended Articles
The French Play.The Cercle Francais will give, during the week of March 29, Moliere's five-act comedy, "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme." and not "L'Avare"
Official Notice.FRENCH 6. - Professor Bocher will read Moliere's Les Femmes sarvantes on Friday morning. Students are requested to provide themselves
MOLIERE'S PHILOSOPHY.A large audience heard the second lecture in the course on Moliere given by M. Brunetiere in Sanders Theatre yesterday
Official Notice.THE blue-books will be returned today in Philosophy 1a. B. RAND.FRENCH 1A.- Mr. Henckels's edition of Moliere's L'Avare is now
University Organizations.At the regular fortnightly meeting of the French Club last night, Dr. Marcon gave an interesting talk on "Deux Anarchistes