

HARVARD MONTHLY.- Men wishing to offer articles for consideration for the December number of the Monthly should present their manuscript on or before November 17.

WINFRED T. DENISON, Editor-in-chief.ALL men intending to play push ball this afternoon must report at 2 Weld Hall between 10.30 and 12.30 today.

E. R. CRANE.ALL old Andover men are invited to join the Andover Club excursion to the Lawrenceville game at Andover, Thursday, Nov. 14. The entire expense, including seat in special car and reserved seat at the game $1.50. Those who intend to go will please hand their names and cost of railroad ticket, 75c., to G. A. Howe, 19 Holworthy, or W. B. Parker, 67 College House.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal of entire orchestra, Monday evening, Nov. 11, at 7 p. m. promptly. Return all parts. 41 3t
