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Merely to wish the Harvard team success in today's game would be to fall far short of expressing the feeling of the University toward the eleven. That the Michigan team will put up a strong game, no one is in doubt. What the University expects, and with right, is that this fact will be the greatest incentive to Harvard's putting forth and keeping up her very strongest efforts. Anything short of this cannot be tolerated in the men who have been given the responsibility of representing Harvard today.

The eleven does not need to think, because the University is inclined to take this rather severe view, it will lack the support which is its due. We cannot allow last Saturday's defeat to discourage us however keenly we feel the sting which comes with it. But the University does feel that its support can be heartily given only when there is complete assurance that every man is doing his best. Mere reverses of fortune should never shake the strength of the support given to the team, but a loss of confidence may have that effect. It is to be hoped that today's game will leave no doubt any where that our team is one which every Harvard man may be proud to stand up for. Michigan may be strong, but Harvard has got to show herself stronger and that by a good margin. A hard-fought game and hearty cheering should leave no doubt of the issue.
