

Resignation of Colonel Winslow.- Prospects for a Good Nine.

The year is wearing on but as yet nothing has been done to improve the baseball situation of the University. There is no captain, no coach, and as a result there has been no fall practice. This is to be regretted for the fall practice brings out the new men in College and shows up those candidates who will make good varsity material in the spring.

At the close of last year's baseball season it will be remembered that there was no one on the nine exactly fitted to take Whittemore's place as captain, and so the athletic committee took the matter of electing one in their own hands, and that is how the case stands now. Nothing has been done as yet, except to refer the case to a sub-committee who expect sometime before Christmas to choose a head coach for the nine. He will take entire charge of the candidates until sometime in the spring when the nine has practically been chosen and then the team will choose their own captain from amongst their number.

Colonel Winslow has resigned his position of head coach, so a new one will have to be chosen. There are several old players now studying in the Law School and one of these will probably be asked to fill the position. If it is impossible to get any of them the coach will be a professional.

Of last year's team Whittemore, Wrenn and Adams have left College, but the rest of the men are back. Dean will try for his old position of second base which he covered two years ago when captain of the freshman team. Another good man for this position is B. Hayes who was captain of last year's freshman team.

For first base there is Stevenson. He put up a fine game in the field last year, but his batting was weak and will have to improve if he wishes to retain his position. A new man who will try for this place is Stearns of the Cambridge High and Latin School. He put up a strong game last year and was one of the best batters in the interscholastic league.


It is doubtful now whether or not Winslow will be able to play next spring. If not his place at third will be tried for by Clarkson of the Cambridge High and Latin team. The latter is an excellent pitcher, but he prefers to try for third base.

For shortstop there are three new men, McVey, who played in the Yale game in Whittemore's place, Haskell who played on last year's freshman team and Mansfield who has done a good deal of playing on local teams before coming to college.

Besides A. Highlands who is in the Law School there are several good candidates for pitcher. Cozzens is one of the most promising. He pitched a fine game for the freshmen last spring and will improve greatly with good coaching. Then Paine can be put in the box any time, and Clarkson may be persuaded to pitch instead of trying for third. Besides these there is Haughton a new man from Groton who is said to have good speed and curve, and Fitz who pitched last year for the Newton Athletic Association.

Scannell will be back in his old position behind the bat and as substitutes there will be Morton, Buckman and Brown of last year's freshman team. In the outfield, Rand, Hayes, Burgess and Paine are back and besides these there is Edmunds who put up a star game in the outfield on the freshman team last spring.

On the whole then the prospects for a good ball team this year are unusually bright. Seven of last year's team are back in College and the new candidates are an extremely promising lot. All that is needed is a good head coach and Harvard may once again have a ball team of which it may be proud.
