

Improvement in the Work of the 'Varsity Squad.

A very encouraging improvement was noticed in the work of the 'varsity squad yesterday afternoon. The presence of a large number of energetic coachers put more spirit into the playing than there has been seen for some time. Among the coachers were Mackie, Waters, Upton, Mason and Lewis, who were all of them dressed in football clothes, and F. Hallowell and Manahan. Mr. Deland gave most of his attention to the style of play while the other coachers watched the men in the line, each taking one or two men.

Most of the time was again spent in playing a kicking game and in trying to perfect some method of preventing the blocking of punts. No satisfactory method has as yet been hit upon. C. Brewer's punts were blocked very often, chiefly on account of his slowness. Hamlen was more successful in punting because he was quicker than Brewer. The playing was longer and far more aggressive than heretofore.

Captain Brewer was unable to play on account of injuries which he received in the practice Tuesday afternoon. It is unlikely that he will play next Saturday in the Michigan game.

The line-up was:



Cabot, l. e. r. e., Wadsworth.

Hallowell, l. t. r. t., Haughton.

Stevenson, l. t.

Holt, l. g. r. g., N. Shaw.

Doucette, c. c. Tiffany.

c., Lewis.

Jaffray, r. g. l. g., Merriman.

Donald, r. t. l. t., Rice.

Newell, r. e. l. e., Moulton.

Borden, q. b. q. b., Beale.

Beale, q. b. q. b., Borden.

Wrightington, l. h. b. r. h. b., Hamlen.

r. h. b., Hayes.

C. Brewer, r. h. b. l. h. b., Gonterman.

Hamlen, r. h. b. l. h. b., Gierasch

Dunlop, f. b. f. b., Fairchild.

Fairchild, f. b. f. b., Dunlop.
