1. Should the United States recognize the Cuban insurgents as belligerents?
2. Should the sale of liquor in New York on Sunday be prohibited?
3. Should the Government retire the legal tender notes?
4. Is Harvard justified in refusing to meet Yale this year in all athletic contests?
5. Should the study of medicine be preceded by an education leading to a degree in arts?
6. Do the disputes resulting from the recent international yacht race show that it is advisable to discontinue for the present such a contest?
7. Is the Beatrice of the Vita Nuova a real person?
8. Should England unite the board schools, the Church of England and Catholic, and other voluntary schools into one great system? (See Nation, October.)
9. Would British occupation of Venezuelan territory violate the Monroe Doctrine?
10. Does Scott's Ivanhoe give a just representation of social conditions in England at the end of the twelfth century?
11. Is Jeffrey's estimate of Wordsworth's Excursion correct?
12. Is the creation of an independent Armenian state possible?
13. Would Russian annexation of Corea be justifiable?
14. Would Great Britain or Russia be the better ally for Japan?
15. Can Great Britain profit more by an alliance with China or Japan?
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