

FRESHMAN DEBATING CLUB.- Regular meeting Wednesday, Nov. 6. Subject: "Resolved, That the enforcement of the Sunday closing law in New York will prove a benefit to the city. Affirmative: C. G. Dolman, A. W. Wise. Negative: C. P. Adams, F. V. Alexander.

FENCING CLUB.- Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 6, Professor Rondelle will be at the club rooms to give instruction to members on Monday and Friday evenings from 7 till 9; on Wednesday afternoon from 4 until 6. All men intending to try for the team are urged to begin as soon as possible. 38 4t

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal this evening in 22 Little's at 7 o'clock sharp. Every one must attend.

M. E. STONE, JR., Sec.ALL '99 push ball men must be out at 3.30 sharp today.

ROBT. A. LEESON, Manager.THE secretary of the St. Paul's School Club will be in his room between 8.45 and 9.15 every morning this week. All St. Paul's School men in the freshman class are especially urged to call at this time and sign the secretary's book, pay the initiation fee of $2.00, and receive their shingles.


A. M. KALES, Sec., 1256 Massachusetts Ave.3t

ADVOCATE.- There will be a meeting tonight at the sanctum at eight o'clock.

Literary meeting at 7.15.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at seven o'clock in 9 Matthews.

H. R. STORRS.CHESS CLUB.- The regular weekly meeting will be held in Thayer 1 at seven Tuesday evening.

