

Professor Paine's Music Sung by the Apollo Club.

The one hundred and forty-eighth concert of the Apollo Club of Boston was given last evening in Sanders Theatre. For the past twenty-five years the Apollo Club has been giving concerts. Last night's concert was the second of the present season.

The programme for the evening was an unusually fine one. Selections from a translation of "OEdipus Tyrannus" of Socrates were read by Mr. George Riddle. Music for the play was composed by Professor James Knowles Paine. The choruses were rendered by seventy-five members of the Apollo Club, and it is needless to say, were perfectly given. The Apollo Club was assisted by Mr. W. H. Rieger and an orchestra conducted by Mr. B. J. Lang. The prelude was conducted by Professor Paine.

Sanders Theatre was crowded to the doors and the audience was very enthusiastic. The reading of the play by Mr. Riddle was very interesting and exceedingly well done. Professor Paine's music was very beautiful and was thoroughly appreciated.
