

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal postponed until Friday at 5 o'clock.

H. S. DENNISON.WILL all men who would like to try for the position of accompanist of the Freshman Glee Club meet me in Hilton 29, at 4.30, today, and bring solo? Great accuracy in time, and ability to follow and to read are required.

H. S. DENNISON.'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 5 o'clock at 1208 Massachusetts avenue.

J. M. LITTLE, JR.ENGINEERING SOCIETY-There will be a meeting of the Civil Engineering Section this evening at 7.30 in W. H. 57.

WINSLOW H. HERSCHEL, Ch.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY-There will be a meeting of the society in 17 Grayson Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 7 p. m.


All members of the University are invited to be present.

H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.CHESS CLUB-The weekly meeting of the Harvard Chess Club will be held at 7 o'clock tonight in Thayer 1. All that wish to be considered for the chess team should hand their names to one of the executive committee. Second-round players in the late tournament need not formally speak for places.

