
Ushers for the Game.

The assignment of sections to men appointed to usher at the game today is given below. The first-named man in each section will lead the cheering.

Section A-Scull, Abbott.

Section B-Blagden, Hoppin, Pierce, McMittrick.

Section C-Greene, Thomas, Blodgett, Wrenn.

Section D-Lewis, Hunt, Motley, Ricketson.


Section E-Rantoul, Garrison, Thayer, Norton.

Section F-Hallowell, Dibblee, Huidekoper, C. Stillman.

Section G-Stickney, Barrett, Lyman, P. Clark.

Section H-Watson, Johnson, Hayward, Chase.

Section I-Dorman, Capen, Fuller, Orr.

Section J-Welsh, Cheever.

Section K-Ames, Derby.

Section L-Woodward, Harper, Adams, Wadsworth.

Section M-Kales, Ingalls, Burgess, Grew.

Section N-F. Forbes, Dalton, Hecksher, Scott.
