

The Team goes to Auburndale for a Rest.

Yesterday afternoon the 'varsity lined up on Soldiers Field for the last time before the Pennsylvania game. They practiced signals and plays, but did not play against the second eleven. The line-up was: left end, Cabot; left tackle, Rice; left guard, Holt; centre, F. Shaw; right guard, N. Shaw; right tackle, Gould; right end, Newell; quarterback, Beale; left halfback, Wrightington; right halfback, C. Brewer; fullback, Dunlop. This, Captain Brewer said last night, will be the line-up in tomorrow's game.

At six o'clock last night the eleven, coaches and substitutes went to Lee's Woodland Park Hotel, Auburndale, in a barge. The following men were in the party: C. Brewer, Cabot, Wrightington, N. Shaw, F. Shaw, Holt, Donald, Haughton, Newell, Hayes, Rice, Moulton, Borden, Beale, Hamlen, Doucette, Gould, Brown, Dunlop.

The men will rest today. The only exercise will be a line-up to practice signals. In case either Donald or Haughton improve very much today they will be given a chance in tomorrow's game in preference to Gould.
