

WOULD "Wellesley Scrub" like to play "Radcliffe" for the championship of the "Girls' College" scrub teams? If so, please address Manager "Radcliffe," 31 Stoughton.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock at 1208 Massachusetts avenue.

J. M. LITTLE, JR.PIERIAN rehearsal Monday at 7 p. m. All must be present. Return parts.

'99 PUSH BALL.- Men must be out today. Game Saturday.

ROBT. A. LEESON.All candidates for the push ball game on Saturday must show up at practice today. Report at 3.45 sharp on Soldiers Field. No excuses.


E. R. CRANE.MERMAID CLUB.- Meeting this evening in 35 Hastings at 8 o'clock. Members of English 14 or the Shakespeare Club are invited to attend.

Tickets for French play can be obtained from J. P. Hayden, Holyoke 8, Friday, from 10 to 1. All Cercle Francais members who have not yet taken tickets are urged to get some.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Sailor Mission. There is need in this work for a man who is willing to act as organist alternate Sundays at nine o'clock. Any one in the University who is able and willing to give the time will please report to

H. G. DORMAN, 33 Weld Hall.
