
St. Paul vs. Harvard.

The St. Paul's School eleven was defeated yesterday afternoon by a team composed chiefly of the regular '96 eleven.

The game was exceedingly interesting throvghout, and the result was in doubt until time was called at the end of the second half. The footing was very treacherous, and, under the circumstances,, there was little fumbling.

Harvard kicked off, and St. Paul's lost the ball on downs on her 25-yard line. Harvard by short rushes forced the ball down the field, and Lee was pushed through right tackle and guard for a touchdown. No goal.

For the rest of the half the play was chiefly in Harvard's territory, and St. Paul's twice carried the ball to Harvard's 10-yard line. Time was called at the end of the first half with the ball on Harvard's 30-yard line.

St. Paul's opened the second half by kicking to Fennessy, who gained 15 yards before being tackled. Harvard now, by end plays varied by short plunges through tackles, advanced the ball to the 3-yard line and Lee was sent through left tackle for the second touchdown. Hallowell kicked the goal. Score 10 to 0.


St. Paul's now took a brace and good rushes by Wheeler brought the ball to Harvard's 25 yard line. On the next rush Wheeler broke through left tackle and, with a clear field, ran 25 yards for a touchdown. No goal. For the rest of the half the ball was chiefly in the middle of the field and time was called when Harvard had the ball on St. Paul's 40 yard line.

Wheeler's rushing was a feature of St. Paul's play as was the all round work of Fennessy for Harvard.

The line up was as follows:


Norton, l.e. r.e., Hubbell.

Bull, l.t. r.t., Byrd, Goodwin.

Williams, l.g. r.g., Brock.

Fox, c. c., Niedecken.

Sprague, r.g. l.g., Nugent.

Dyer, r.t. l.t., Francis.
