

English C Again.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

I heartily agree with the communication in yesterday's paper, regarding the injustice done certain members of English C. It is conceivable that in a large class there are some who wilfully neglect their work and deserve to fail. Yet right here let me say there are, in college, courses so conducted as to admit of no failure; History 13 for one. But granting that some of us are deserving of Es, it hardly seems possible that the general standing of the class could so deteriorate, as the number of Es given lately in this course would indicate.

Either we are an exceptional stupid lot, which our work in other courses do not always evince, or else there is something radically wrong in the way this course is conducted. In consideration that the brief, which has brought despair to many, was the first we have written, it seems that too great severity has been shown by certain of the instructors in marking. If the ideals of the course are high, so much the better, but let us be so guided that we may have hopes of reaching them. To try and frighten us into accomplishing this end is not my ideal of college instruction.

