

Line-Up of the Two Teams.- Arrangements for the Game Today.

This afternoon at Princeton the elevens of Harvard and Princeton will meet once more on the football field, an interval of six years having passed since the last game was played between these two universities.

Carpenters, builders, railroad men, and all kinds of mechanics have been busy during the week at Princeton getting the town and field ready for the hosts of persons who will arrive today. Stands have been erected on the football field that will accommodate 12,000 persons, and this number will probably fall far short of the actual crowd that will be present.

The Harvard eleven left Cambridge yesterday morning by the Colonial Express from the Park Square Station. They went directly to the Trenton House at Trenton, N. J., where they will remain until this morning, when they will go to Princeton. Twenty-six men were taken from the football squad besides the coaches and managers. The men were all in fine condition and full of confidence in their ability to win the game. Coach Emmons and Mr. Lathrop did not go down with the team.

In the last game with Princeton Harvard was disastrously beaten, but the outlook now promises quite a different outcome of the game today. Princeton has a strong team, though the individual men have not had the experience of the Harvard players.

The following is the line-up of both elevens:



Cabot, l.e. r.e., Cochran.

Hallowell, l.t. r.t., Lea.

Holt, l.g., r.g., Rhodes.

F. Shaw, c. c., Gailey.

Jaffray, r.g. l.g., Riggs.

Donald, r.t. l.t., Church.

A. Brewer, r.e. l.e., Hynson.

Borden, q.b. q.b., Poe.

Wrightington, h.b. h.b., Rosengarten.

C. Brewer, h.b. h.b., Armstrong.

Fairchild, f.b. f.b., Pope.
