

NEW HAVEN, Nov. 16, 1895.

Next Saturday Yale will play the annual game with Princeton-the big game of the season for us, and as a natural effect the eleven is getting everybody's attention. Secret practice for half of each afternoon has been going on for some time, and the coaches have enlarged their exertions if not their numbers, to improve line work and other weak points, and get the team into championship form. As far as Yale men are concerned, it is safe to say that not for the last five years has the result of this game seemed more doubtful or more difficult to predict. In former years Yale has had opportunities to measure their strength with stronger teams before meeting Princeton, but now the situation is reversed, as Yale has had no severe test, and her strength is still an unproved quantity. On the whole, it may be said that the college expects a Princeton victory. Hartwell, Rhodes and Hinkey have been with the eleven recently, and Heffelfinger may see it this week. Yale's probable line-up will be: Bass, l. e.; Rodgers, l. t.; Chadwick, l. g.; H. Cross, c.; W. R. Cross, r. g.; Murphy, r. t.; Hinkey, r. e.; Fincke, q. b.; Thorne, l. h. b.; DeWitt, r. h. b.; Jerrems, f. b.

Figures recently brought out show conclusively the commendable growth in the University English Department in the last few years. As it is now equipped, this department can hardly be believed to have grown from what it was ten years ago. In every point, both optional and required courses,, English now receives double the attention it did then. A noticeable growth in many departments is indicative of a new feeling. The musical department is one of these, which under professors Parker and Fisher has made great progress. Its last step is the acquisition of an unused church of very fine acoustic power for recitals and lectures.

The three speakers for the Yale-Princeton debate have been chosen. C. A. Clark '97, Rice T. S. and McVay '96 L. S., Clark also winning the Thacher prize. Recent action of the faculty will limit the Prom. festivities this year to two instead of three days, a return to the first system. This change will help rather than interfere, and will insure a better maintenance of college work than was possible under the last rule.

Geo. W. Cable will speak Sunday evening on "The Moral Utility of the Novre" and du Chaillu's lecture on the "Vikings" has been set for Nov. 25. An exhibition of Gibson's work will be shown in the Art School in December.


