
Yale, 26; Orange A. C., 0.

Yale easily defeated the Orange Athletic Club, Saturday, in New York, wiping out the stain of the recent game. The day was clear, but soggy ground made the footing very treacherous, and in consequence neither side showed its best form.

The game was characterized by frequent fumbling, which, in the second half, gained considerable ground for Yale. Orange was not so successful in kicking, and two of Yale's touchdowns were almost directly due to blocked kicks. On the whole, Yale much excelled Orange in the work of her backs, while her line proved sufficiently strong to prevent any great gains through it.

Yale's good showing was an unpleasant surprise to a number of Princeton men who watched the game, and Princeton feels that great improvement will be necessary if they are to defeat Yale in the end.

The game seems to indicate that Yale's strength has been underrated.
