
'Varsity Practice.

The 'varsity practice last Saturday did not show much improvement. About ten coaches were on the field, but their exhortations had little effect.

Secret practice begins this afternoon when a practice game will be played with the B. A. A. eleven.

The line-up Saturday was:


Cabot, Moulton, l. e. r. e., Duff.


Rice, l. t. r. t., Merriman, Connor.

Holt, l. g. r. g., Hoague.

F. Shaw, c. c., Doucette.

N. Shaw. r. g. l. g., Hennen.

Connor, r. t. l. t., Hallowell.

Merriman, r. t. l. t., Stevenson.

Newell, r. e. l. e., Bull, Hall.

Beale, q. b. q. b., Borden.

Borden, q. b. q. b., Beale.

Wrightington, h. b. h. b., Brown.

Hamlen, h. b. h. b., Gierasch.

Dunlop, Fairchild, f. b. f. b., Hayes.
