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dren's celebration in the Park Street Church, Boston, July 4, 1832.
He translated from the German most of the pieces in the "Juvenile Lyre" (Boston, 1832), and from the "Conversations-Lexicon" nearly enough articles to fill a volume of the Encyclopedia Americana (1828-32). His collections of original hymns, poetry, and poetical translations have been published under the title of "Lyric Gems" (Boston, 1843); "The Psalmist," a noted Baptist hymn book (1843), and "Rock of Ages" 1866-77). Other writings by him are "Life of Rev. Joseph Grafton" (1818), "Missionary Sketches" (1879-1883), "History of Newton, Mass." (1880), "Rambles in Mssion Fields" (1884), and contributions to numerous periodicals.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said to Dr. Smith, who was his classmate: "Your name and fame will live when I and my works are forgotten. You have made yourself immortal in your poems,"
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