
Fact and Rumor.

C. D. Booth '96 has been elected captain of the whist team.

Trenchard, Princeton '95, is coaching the team of the University of North Carolina.

Rev. B. L. Whitman, D. D., was yesterday inaugurated as President of Columbia University, Washington, D. C.

The 'varsity eleven will play the B. A. A. eleven in secret practice on Monday and Wednesday afternoons of next week.

Marshall Newell, after the Harvard-Pennsylvania game on the 23d, will return to Ithaca to get Cornell into shape for the game with Pennsylvania on Thanksgiving Day.


Oxford is considering plans similar to those of German Universities, whereby graduates of other universities may take advanced degrees without passing lower examinations.

The game between Leland Stanford University and the University of California for the championship of the Western coast, will be played on Thanksgiving day. Yale-Princeton rules will be used.

The Newton Athletic Association will play Hyde Park today at Newton Centre for the championship in a dual league. Considerable interest is taken in the game here, as several of the players are well known Harvard men.
