
Special Notice.

LOST.- A badge bearing in monogram the Greek letters Chi Phi, set with rubies, sapphires and diamonds and bearing owner's name on back. A small Pi, as guard pin, is attached by chain. Liberal reward.

J. B. BROWDER, 1697 Cambridge street.DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follows: Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence. corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st. Private lessons by appointment.

LOST.- A pocket knife in Lower Dane, on Thursday morning. C. L. Partridge, 19 Irving street.

The next attraction at the Park Theatre Monday, 18th inst., is Hoyt's funniest play, "A Black Sheep," which last season ran three months at that house, and was taken off only because of engagements elsewhere that could not be cancelled. The company is still headed by that bright and clever comedian, Otis Harlan, whose impersonation of Goodrich Mudd, otherwise known as "Hot Stuff," the young man who prefers to remain in Tombstone rather than go to New York and enjoy the fortune bequeathed him, is remembered by playgoers as one of the most delightful performances of the season at the Park. Harlan is unequalled in his line of comedy; his humor is spontaneous, his methods original. his action brisk, and there is never a dull moment when he is on the stage. Most of his associates in the cast who won so much favor during his former visit, are still with! him, including, of course, William DeVere, the quaint Arizona editor. The Queen of Burlesque is this season played by Miss Ada Dare. Mr. Hoyt has introduced a number of new and exceedingly amusing scenes. The engagement is for two weeks.

WANTED.- One or two men who are willing to help in evening educational work. Leave address with educational work. Leave address with educational director, Cambridge Social Union.


"The Lily of Killarney," at the Castle Square Theatre this week, is somewhat of a novelty, the resources of the company being drawn upon in a new way, and the splendid presentation attracts thousands. One observer wrote Tuesday morning:

"The staging of the opera was splendid; 'Devil's Rock at the Cave Entrance' was as well built, and as aptly realistic as any piece of scenery ever set in place behind the lights of that house; which is saying a good deal. And the calibre of the company's exhibition was no less remarkable than the fact of their adaptability to continual renewals of repertoire. The genuine vigor with which the Castle Square company carries its kaleidoscopic work is certainly curious to note. And the voices and pantomime of the principals seem, beyond understanding, to improve under each week's new strain. Last night, for instance, Mr. Murray's singing and all his ordinarily difficult character portrayal were, or seemed to be, even better than Murray's. He was a capital Myles na Coppaleen, good-hearted and cheery and free of manner, and free of mannerisms. His make-up was distinctly better than that of any other player. Perhaps Mr. Wolff's look of the servile blackguard, Danny Mann, was almost as fit. His likeness to a cringing, cowardly villain was not all the effect of a few daubs of grease paint topped with a very black wig and a sneak thief's cap; there was something about it that displayed clever facial expression."

HANDEL AND HAYDN SODIETY.- Gentlemen who are interested in oratorio music and who have good voices and some knowledge of reading are invited to become members of the society. Harvard men especially welcome. Names and addresses may be sent to Charles W. Stone, secretary, 68 Chestnut street, Boston. 47 6t

Will the man who traded a gray felt hat marked L. W. Wright, at the freshman glee club trial last night, kindly return to owner, 94 Prescott street and get his own.

ANNOUNCEMENT.- Mesdames Cates and Hall beg leave to announce that they have opened Select Dining Tables at No. 17 Story street, Cambridge. Special attention will be paid to catering for students' clubs.

Mrs. Cate's long experience at the Waverly House, Charlestown, Brant Rock House, and Women's Industrial Union, will insure a high degree of excellence both in cuisine and service. References given and required. 14 tf

TUTORING in elementary courses in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Also in German A, B, C, 1a and 1b. Excellent notes in Chemistry 1 and Physics 1. Six years experience.

F. C. McLAUGHLIN, A. M., 4 Read's Block.34 12t

SHOES cleaned and polished each day for the rest of the year for $10.00. Johnston, at Marks's barber shop. 19 tf

TUTORING.- F. L. Meredith B. S., High School experience. Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra, all the sciences, including full work in Chemistry and Physics. Call or address, 8 Ellery street. tf
