
Proposal for a Philosophical Club.

At the meeting of the Philosophical Conference, held on the evening of Nov. 7, it was agreed that an informal meeting of the members of the Conference should be called, to take place Wednesday evening, November 13, in the Psychological Laboratory, Upper Dane Hall, at 8 o'clock, to consider the advisability of forming a Philosophical Club. The membership, the general plans, and the constitution of this club, in case such an organization should be founded, may be taken under consideration by those present at this first meeting, to which all members of the Philosophical Conference (i. e., all persons who hold the degree of any College or Professional School, and who are taking any of the Courses of the Philosophical Department), are hereby invited. It is supposed that a voluntary organization for discussion, for inquiry, and for general cooperation in philosophical study, may prove a useful supplement to the regular work of those who are interested in philosophy.

JOSIAH ROYCE, Chairman of the Committee of the Philosophical Department.
