HISTORY LIBRARY.- In future the History Library in Harvard Hall will be open from 8:30 a. m. till 5 p. m.
ENGLISH C.- Section I. will hereafter meet in two divisions, the first division at 10 o'clock in Sever 11, the second division at 12 o'clock in Harvard 6. A list of sections is posted in University Hall. 45 2t.
ENGLISH 22.- Conference on daily themes today from 4 to 5.30. Abbe to MacVey, Sever 11; Mallery to Young, Sever 10.
LEWIS E. GATES.PROFESSOR CUMMINGS will not meet his classes today.
TUTORS.- Applications for approval as Tutors by the Department of French may now be made to Professor de Sumichrast. The applications must be made on blanks furnished by the Department. These can be obtained in Sever 23 at 12 noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
ENGINEERING 11A.- A visit will be made to Watertown Arsenal on Wednesday the 13th inst., at 2 p. m.
The visit is open to all students of the University.
L. S. MARKS.44 2T
CHEMISTRY 8.- Hour examination at 12 on Tuesday, November 12.
THEODORE W. RICHARDS.THE Chemical Library, in No. 8 Boylston Hall, is open for students of chemistry from seven until ten o'clock every evening except Sundays and holidays.
THEODORE W. RICHARDS.ENGLISH C.- The brief for the first forensic will be due Friday, Nov. 15. The preliminary briefs, rewritten, will be due Monday, Nov. 18, instead of Friday, the 15th, as announced.
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